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Charlotte Head Hairline Tattoos

Charlotte head hairline tattoos from Barber Ink SMP give our clients a newfound sense of self-confidence. They’re also affordable and they look fantastic – as long as you make sure you follow the right aftercare program. If you’re considering head hairline tattoos in Charlotte NC, here’s some information that will help keep yours looking its best.

Aftercare Tips

Once your Charlotte head hairline tattoos are applied, you’ll need to do a few things to keep it looking the way you want. When people get head hairline tattoos in Charlotte NC, new layers of skin will typically grow in the areas that received treatment. This might be a little uncomfortable, and it might look a bit odd. But once your scalp heals, you’ll have a natural look that will last for years.

Just remember to follow these steps to make sure your tattoos will deliver the results you want.

  • The first five days – From the first day you receive your head hairline tattoos in Charlotte NC, you’ll basically want to keep your scalp as dry as possible. This means not engaging in any activities that will cause you to sweat, and no shampooing or shaving. Don’t touch your scalp with your hands, and stay out of the sun. Exposure to UV rays could cause the pigmentation to fade prematurely.
  • The next five days – During this time, your scalp pigmentation will be coming into form and your scalp will continue healing. There’s a chance small scabs will form, and they may itch. You’ll need to keep from picking those scabs or scratching your head. You can carefully shave your head if you need to, but continue to stay away from shampoo. Rinse your scalp lightly with some mild soap and a little bit of water. You can use moisturizer, but make sure it doesn’t have any fragrance. Light exercise will also be okay.
  • Afterward – After 10 days, you should be able to get back to your regular routine. If you need another treatment session, you’ll simply repeat the above steps.

If you would like more information about Charlotte head hairline tattoos, contact Barber Ink SMP online or call (704) 622-0295.

Why choose us?

No matter the case or the person sitting in the chair, the outcome is usually the same, joy and gratitude. There are a lot emotions involved in this and seeing men and women get emotional only makes me more passionate about what I do. The best part of a session is the look on a clients face when they look in the mirror and what they have to say about the results.

What Clients Say

A must have for guys who have thinning or receding hairlines. It was major for me. Gave me my confidence back. Excellent service and comfortable environment. I definitely recommend!

Tyson R

When I say this is a game changer I’m not exaggerating. I always wore ball caps because I was self-conscious about my bald head. Now I never wear hats. My head now looks like i just got a hair cut all the time. Even friends I’ve known forever have no clue it isn’t real. If you’re thinking about doing this just do it. You won’t regret it. The environment is extremely professional and Brandon takes great pride in what he does. I’d have done it sooner if I had any clue how awesome it would be

Eric R

They went above and beyond to accommodate my disabled husband. Also did a great job. Highly recommended.

Susan M